Our schools pumpkin decorating contests! & then some costumes I got pictures of that I thought were very well done!
Thursday, 31 October 2013
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
Happy Halloween!

In spirit for Halloween, here's my Halloween picture for the year, that was taken in my photography class! Such a fun time.
Sunday, 27 October 2013
Fav Quote of the Week #4
“The most important thing is to enjoy your life—to be
happy—it's all that matters.”
― Audrey
I like this quote because it says how you have to enjoy the things you do, and do the things that make you happy, because if you don't, you're just gonna be miserable all the time, and that's no fun!
Saturday, 26 October 2013
It really suprised me when I got to my brothers house after work, sat
down with the box of Buster Bars that they made me get, handed them out, ate
one myself and then after turning the wrapper over
and finding out that one of these little things is 440 calories and 42% of
your daily fat. I was totally not expecting that at all, but hey, it was pretty good.
Wednesday, 23 October 2013
Quickwrite - Rewind or Pause

Tuesday, 22 October 2013
Monday, 21 October 2013
Just Little Things Post #2

Both of these pictures apply to me because yesterday was one of those days where I did absolutely nothing, and I just decided to read all day. I wasn't even half way finished my 487 page book, Divergent when I started reading yesterday, and before I knew it I was finished it. I just couldn't stop reading it because I didn't want to put it down since each chapter kept getting more and more interesting. When I was finished reading I was kind of sad, because I actually fell in love with one of the characters named Four/Tobias, and I didn't want the story to be over! But then I remembered that there was a second book called Insurgent, that I am going to start reading in a few days, so I'm super excited about that!
Beatrice's iPhone

News Daily - this is an app that Beatrice would use to be updated with Jeanine's articles about her dad and the Abnegation government
iVision - this app allows Tris to see in the dark, since this app is like night vision goggles and it's handy since the Dauntless are always in the dark
Abnegation - an app specifically for all the information about Abnegation; to see who all the members are, a map of around the faction and little notes that Beatrice writes down
Name Change - this app is a name converter and it's useful because lots of people go by different names so this will create some creative ones
PicPic - this app allows Tris to have all of her pictures of her family and adventures, and let's her organize them as she would like
QuizO! - since Beatrice and lots of people always second guess which faction they belong in, they can answer these questions from a quiz to find out which one they should be in, but if you're divergent like Beatrice, you might not get a straight answer
iFears - this app lets Tris keep track of all of her fears she has so she can prepare how to deal with them during stage three of initiation
Dauntless - this app shows all of the members of the Dauntless and Tris can keep track of what things she learns about each person. It also has a map of the faction
Train Sched - this app is a list of when the train comes by so Beatrice doesn't have to worry or waste her time memorizing it
Finder - this app lets Tris know if there's a person like Eric or Four in a 50m radius of her since she is always sneaking around
Sunday, 20 October 2013
Fav Quote of the Week #3
"At the end of the day, we're all going to make mistakes,
we're all going to do things we regret, even in those who we care about, it's
unavoidable. But at the end, what matters is how you address your failings, how
you treat your family, how you treat your friends, how you forgive and how you
love. One more thing I realized, you never get the whole bucket list done, you
just keep adding things to it because every day there’s something new to amaze
us, it’s how we know we're alive."
I caught the last couple minutes of the television show 'Bones' a few days ago, and I heard this. I had to rewind the show a couple of times so I could jot this down because I thought it was so inspirational that I wanted to have it.
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
Beatrice's 15 Tweets
Divergent (208) Veronica Roth
Why does no one ever tell me the entire story? #ineedtoknow
I can't believe you chose Erudite #flabbergasted
I miss having dinner with you, dad, and Caleb, even though I shouldn't be thinking about that #tbt
How did I ever become the first jumper #notlikeme #courage
There are no time for mistakes in the Dauntless unless you want to end up like the girl who fell off the roof #lessonlearned
I wonder how Caleb is doing, if only I could see him #iwish
I probably should feel bad that I beat you up, but you deserve it after what you did to me #sorrynotsorry
I thought we were friends, but after that smirk, I'm not too sure #frenemies
I can't tell if I like this person I'm becoming, or not #changes #different
I've never felt this feeling before #confused
Do I even know my own mother? #question
We're just friends... that's all #nothingmore
I thought I would have been ranked closer to the bottom #notcomplaining
How can anyone sleep at night now #scared
The Dauntless won't care if we tattletale on one another #onourown
Why does no one ever tell me the entire story? #ineedtoknow
I can't believe you chose Erudite #flabbergasted
I miss having dinner with you, dad, and Caleb, even though I shouldn't be thinking about that #tbt
How did I ever become the first jumper #notlikeme #courage
There are no time for mistakes in the Dauntless unless you want to end up like the girl who fell off the roof #lessonlearned
I wonder how Caleb is doing, if only I could see him #iwish
I probably should feel bad that I beat you up, but you deserve it after what you did to me #sorrynotsorry
I thought we were friends, but after that smirk, I'm not too sure #frenemies
I can't tell if I like this person I'm becoming, or not #changes #different
I've never felt this feeling before #confused
Do I even know my own mother? #question
We're just friends... that's all #nothingmore
I thought I would have been ranked closer to the bottom #notcomplaining
How can anyone sleep at night now #scared
The Dauntless won't care if we tattletale on one another #onourown
Quickwrite - Which door?

The door I would most like to step through is Narnia because ever since I was little and watched the movie I've always wished that something like that was true. If I did step through it, I wouldn't imagine my own exoerience, I would imagine my perspective through one of the sister's eyes. I would like to be the little girl since she had tons of adventure and she just seemed to have more fun with the whole experience but I would probably choose the older sister's point of view since I could relate to her side of the story more.
Quickwrite - Robot Servant
If I had my own personal robot I would want him to do my everyday things. Those things would be like making my lunches & suppers, cleaning my room, doing my laundry and putting it away (especially putting it away). For my food, he would know all of my favourite foods and wouldn't be afraid to try some new dishes. With cleaning my room and house he would know where everything goes and if he doesn't he won't be afraid to ask since the robot and I would have a good relationship. I would get him to do those things because they're super simple and they're things that I wouldn't miss doing myself. One of my favourite things that my robot would do, would be him turning into a moped (I would say car, but my robot isn't that big), to help me get around so I can finish other things that I have to do. I would have my robot dressed like a butler, so in a tuxedo because I think that would be cool. He would also just have a normal robot voice and when he isn't doing anything or waiting to start his next task, I would get him to do the "Robot" for my own amusement, since it'd be funny.
Monday, 14 October 2013
Just Little Things Post #1
Which one is your most valued 'Life's Simple Pleasures?'
890. I love those conversations where you just don't have to put any effort into them and they just flow. You don't have to worry about what you're going to say next and you can just talk about anything, sometimes the strangest of things. It's nice.
927. When you walk into a theatre expecting there to be at least some people but you and your friend are the only ones. But then you just think, "ah some other people will walk in after" and then no one does!! And you guys are the only ones and have the theatre to yourself, like how awesome is that.
901. Photo booth pictures are just the best. Especially having all of the people having to squeeze into the tiniest of space, hoping you'll all make it into the pictures. & minus the fact you need like a specific amount of change, since I never have change but they're just awesome to have and they're great for memories!
837. This happened to me just the other day. A group of us were ddriving back from a corn maze, and listening to the radio when the song "Baby Got Back" came on out of all songs, and all of us just started singing along together. It was the funniest thing ever.
852. I love this one because it's something that always happens to me. All of my friends just know how much I love food, which is embarrassing, but hey, I'm not complaining since they always give me the bigger half :D
860. I think it says it all.
846. Movie nights are one of the best things ever. There's nothing I love more than getting together with a group of friends, going over to someones house, making sure we have lots of munchies and just watching movies all night.
949. Having my pet choose to sleep next to me out of all the hundred other places he could sleep just makes me feel so loved and lucky.
On the weekend I bought this new book and I absolutely love it! It's a book where you open it to a random page and it says something like "Hearing an old song you used to love." or "When the last pair of shoes in stock is your size.", things that just make you smile and realize how much you appreciate the little things. If you're like me and love these kind of books, check out the page at the top of my blog titled "Just Little Things" for more entries or I'm sure I'll be posting some other posts about the little things, so stay tuned! :)
Six Word Memoirs De-breif
What did I learn about storytelling?
While doing these six word memoirs, I learnt that to tell a story it doesn't have to be hundreds of pages long. You don't have to describe everything with extreme detail, that it can be as easy as just 6 words. With a picture it just made it easier to tell/explain and it added to the story. Lots of it was up to the reader to figure out and imagine which is why it was good for us to explain ourselves in our Writer's Note. At first, I found it difficult hoe we only had 6 words to use, but it taught me to choose my words carefully, every word counts, and that punctuation plays a big role.
Where did I show my knowledge about using storytelling skills?
I showed my knowledge about using storytelling skills when I used the certain punctuation that I did. Depending on the certain words I chose, I would either end it with an exclamation mark, period or nothing at all to make the reader feel a certain emotion. Using pictures also really helped telling your story. When I made a picture black and white, it usually made the story more dramatic like my graduating memoir. Even picking an exact font/colour demonstrates this because I would chose something that best fits the mood.
What did I learn as a reader, writer, thinker, storyteller?
As a reader, I learnt that there are many different ways you can interpret something that someone else has wrote, since we never know 100% what is going on is someone else's mind. That also showed me as a writer to choose your words very carefully, punctuation is key and to try and explain yourself as best as you can in your writer's note. I also learnt that it was good to try and pick the best picture that goes with your words and to make sure they relate, so they are easier to explain and get your message across.
While doing these six word memoirs, I learnt that to tell a story it doesn't have to be hundreds of pages long. You don't have to describe everything with extreme detail, that it can be as easy as just 6 words. With a picture it just made it easier to tell/explain and it added to the story. Lots of it was up to the reader to figure out and imagine which is why it was good for us to explain ourselves in our Writer's Note. At first, I found it difficult hoe we only had 6 words to use, but it taught me to choose my words carefully, every word counts, and that punctuation plays a big role.
Where did I show my knowledge about using storytelling skills?
I showed my knowledge about using storytelling skills when I used the certain punctuation that I did. Depending on the certain words I chose, I would either end it with an exclamation mark, period or nothing at all to make the reader feel a certain emotion. Using pictures also really helped telling your story. When I made a picture black and white, it usually made the story more dramatic like my graduating memoir. Even picking an exact font/colour demonstrates this because I would chose something that best fits the mood.
What did I learn as a reader, writer, thinker, storyteller?
As a reader, I learnt that there are many different ways you can interpret something that someone else has wrote, since we never know 100% what is going on is someone else's mind. That also showed me as a writer to choose your words very carefully, punctuation is key and to try and explain yourself as best as you can in your writer's note. I also learnt that it was good to try and pick the best picture that goes with your words and to make sure they relate, so they are easier to explain and get your message across.
Wednesday, 9 October 2013
Movie Review
The other day I decided to go see the movie Gravity with
Sandra Bullock and George Clooney. It’s such a simple story that many people
would feel like it’s not worth seeing. For those of you who don’t know what it’s
about, it’s a movie that takes place in space. Matt Kowalsky (as Clooney) and
his partner Ryan Stone (as Bullock) are trying to fix an American space station
that isn’t working when all of a sudden they are hit by a bunch of fast moving
debris that won’t stop for anything in its way. It’s a matter of survival for
these two and it’s up to them to figure out how to get back to Earth with
limited supplies.
Is it any good?
I couldn’t take my eyes off the screen the entire movie. It
was just so interesting and entertaining to watch. Nothing like I’ve ever seen
before. I saw it in IMAX and 3D so I wouldn’t recommend anything less. This
movie taps into all of your emotions especially when Stone shares a personal
story which I found quite heartbreaking. This movie jumps from making you
laugh, to you being scared and to you being excited and on the edge of your
seat just waiting to see what happens next.
I have never seen a movie with better graphics. Seeing it in
IMAX just topped it off. From the opening scene, it had your eyes glued to the
big screen right from the start. I have never seen Earth like that before, it
had me in awe about it. This movie was probably the best 3D movie I have ever
experienced. There were many parts when the debris was flying around everywhere,
and all of a sudden it would just appear right in front of your face without
any warning, and I’m not going to lie, I may have jumped back a couple of
times. I was in love with the first person view we got time to time, it just
added even more interest to the movie. Definitely give the visuals 5 stars out
of 5.
My Say
The one thing I wished was different about this movie, was
how there wasn’t that much of George Clooney’s character. With the screen time
he did have, he managed to win us over; with his funny jokes/stories he had to
tell and his charm.
Overall, I highly recommend seeing this movie!
Here is the trailer for the movie http://youtu.be/OiTiKOy59o4
Thursday, 3 October 2013
Fav Quote of the Week #2
“The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.”
― E.E.
For this week, I decided to choose this quote because this past week has probably been the most fun I've had in a long time, and each of the days were filled with friends and never lacked laughter which made none of the days feel like a waste. Just thinking about it, I can compare a day with no laughing, to one with nothing but laughing and see how one was much better and meant more than the other.
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