Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Dialogue "Creeping" Questions
1a) To do this assignment we walked around the school trying to listen to other peoples conversations.
b) I listened to the conversation for about a minute or two.
c) The conversation was between an EA and a student.
d) It felt kind of wrong listening to their conversation at first since it was just between them and everyone has a right to their own privacy, but it's interesting sometimes to see what people are talking about and they were also talking loud enough for me to hear them.
2) I learnt that if people are more excited about something they'll be way more happier and talk a lot more and faster. But with this specific conversation I learnt that you can tell a lot about someone's personality. In this case, the student was super quiet and kind of avoided talking, I could tell that he was super shy.
3) You could apply this into your writing by caring more about how your characters talk to one another and by showing their personalities more through what they say rather than other characters describing them.
4) Personality and character are revealed through conversation because if someone avoids contributing to the conversation or talks really quiet you could guess they're shy, or if someone is very loud when they talk, and talks a lot, you could think that they're outgoing.
5) When more than 2 people participate in a conversation, the conversation tends to get dragged on more, since each person usually has something to say and a different opinion to add. I also think that with more than 2 people talking, lots of people get interrupted.
6) The most surprising thing I've learnt about the way people converse is that lots of people don't pay attention to what the other person is saying and lots of people get interrupted so easily and in a way sometimes people just "skim" through what the other person is saying as if they're just skimming through the pages of a book.
7) With spoken conversation you can easily tell if a person is more excited/sad/mad by what they say, the tone of their voice and their body language. With written conversation it's hard to imagine the actual tone of the person talking, and sometimes it's hard to determine if the person is being sarcastic or not. You can also get your point across a lot quicker with spoken conversation, written conversation just takes a bit more time and is a lot more descriptive.
5) When more than 2 people participate in a conversation, the conversation tends to get dragged on more, since each person usually has something to say and a different opinion to add. I also think that with more than 2 people talking, lots of people get interrupted.
6) The most surprising thing I've learnt about the way people converse is that lots of people don't pay attention to what the other person is saying and lots of people get interrupted so easily and in a way sometimes people just "skim" through what the other person is saying as if they're just skimming through the pages of a book.
7) With spoken conversation you can easily tell if a person is more excited/sad/mad by what they say, the tone of their voice and their body language. With written conversation it's hard to imagine the actual tone of the person talking, and sometimes it's hard to determine if the person is being sarcastic or not. You can also get your point across a lot quicker with spoken conversation, written conversation just takes a bit more time and is a lot more descriptive.
Imagery Paragraph
1) I chose this passage because when I was reading it I could easily visual the scene and it showed me a little bit of all the senses in a little paragraph. It appealed to me because all the senses were easy to imagine and relate to.
2) I think the most common type of imagery would be visual, because even with the stuff that isn't highlighted green, you can still visual. For example, you can feel it being hot and humid, but you can also visual that type of atmosphere, and same with someone bumping into you.
3) The best snippet of imagery in this passage would either be "It is hot and humid in the room" or "I taste sweat" and to me it is so effective because it is something that everyone has gone through so it is no problem picturing it.
4) This imagery is negative because it's saying how it's hot and humid in the room meaning that the people are scared/nervous (especially from reading the past few sentences of the book).
5) The mood/emotion being created by the author is suspense and fear in a way. She mentions how the fish all died and at the end of the paragraph it mentions how everyone went quiet to listen to show that they're all also curious.
6) The purpose of this imagery is to show you a memory that a character had and show you how she feels at that moment and it gives you a little more detail of the situation.
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
Fav Quote of the Week #8
"Pain is temporary; quitting is forever."
- Lance Armstrong
I like this quote a lot because it means not to give up! The pain or what you're going through now will at some point be over and in the past, but if you do decide to give up, the fact that you did will always be there.
- Lance Armstrong
I like this quote a lot because it means not to give up! The pain or what you're going through now will at some point be over and in the past, but if you do decide to give up, the fact that you did will always be there.
Sunday, 24 November 2013
Top 5 - Board Games
My favourite board games to play:
- The Game of Life
- Scattergories
- Clue
- Monopoly
- Scrabble
Fav Quote of the Week #7
“Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.”
― Robert A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land
― Robert A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
Imagery Quickwrite

And it was at that exact moment that the power came back on that I woke up in a panic and my eye's couldn't adjust. Everything was too bright. It was like a camera not knowing what to focus on. I don't even know how long the town had been in darkness for, we all lost count after a while. It wasn't even just the power that was out, anything that emitted light wasn't working, even the sun. But it all just turned back on at once, like a deer in the headlights, no one was expecting it. I was finally able to get up and look around. I realized I was in a school, I have no idea how I got here. All I saw were the brown desks with the neon orange chairs thrown all across the room. And it was cold. Really cold. Every time I let out a breath, I saw the air escape my mouth and I couldn't stop shivering, seeing each individual hair stand up on my arms. It was a habit walking against a wall, feeling the ice cold stone on your fingertips, following where it'll take you. But now I know where I'm going. I can see. When I got outside, the sun was shining like never before, and I could feel the warmth on my skin, something that I haven't felt in a long time. There were people walking on the sidewalks, and something didn't feel right. I saw one of my friends and I started running towards him and I tried calling out his name, but no words came out. I kept yelling and yelling but nothing happened. I stopped running and I turned around to a car honking, and tires screeching, I just closed my eyes and ducked for cover, and when I finally opened my eyes, I was lying in my bed, sweating.
Monday, 18 November 2013
Top 5 - Breakfast Foods
My top 5 favourite breakfast foods would have to be:
- French Toast
- Bacon with Syrup
- Toaster Strudels
- Pancakes
- Cheesy Scrambled Eggs
The Sky
These are some pictures of the sky from the past few mornings, & I just think its super amazing how different the sky looks from day to day.
Thursday, 14 November 2013
Quickwrite - 3 Skills
which three skills?
[This one is from a set of 300 Common Core aligned writing prompts that I put together.]](http://31.media.tumblr.com/ff2a64c4d7cd0516704cc6089d5c498d/tumblr_mhkv1dsBdP1qee12to1_1280.png)
When I first read this, by seeing the word "success" it made me think of having lots of money to be "successful", which yes, is true, but that's not how I entirely would want it to be. I would see having a good family, lots of good friends, being surrounded by people who care for you, and that you care for to be "successful". So I would definitely say humour to be an important one because I think laughing and having a good time is a must. Resourcefulness is also important because we don't know all the answers, so if you can go out in the world and find out the information and answers you need, that will help you a lot. The last one I would chose would be patience because it would help with understanding of others, and to not get mad or upset easily.
Quickwrite - Minions
If I had a set of Minions for a week, let's just say I would become the most laziest person out there. I wouldn't have to worry about doing my homework (although I probably should still consider doing it myself since minions aren't the smartest sometimes), I would never be bored since they're so funny and cute, anything they do would be entertaining. I don't really know how many I would want (or could actually even handle), but I would probably say around 7! Since we would be spending a whole week together, I could see us getting really attached to one another so I don't know how I would be able to cope after they're all gone (or get back to doing everything myself)!
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
Matched 25 Tweets
Conversation 1
@Cassia16 Cassia Reyes
@Cassia16 Cassia Reyes
@xxxanderrr so the Matching Banquet wasn't that bad, hey? I'm just happy we were both picked for the same day to have it #thankful
@xxxanderrr Xander
@Cassia16 see, I told you it'd be a piece of cake #noworries btw, you looked pretty good in that green dress
@Cassia16 Cassia Reyes
@xxxanderrr why thank you, that's my favourite colour! But did you see Lea in her red dress? She looked #gorgeous @leaxoxo
@leaxoxo Lea
@Cassia16 aww thanks so much Cas! You've always been so nice, I just want to say that I think you and Xander make a good match @xxxanderrr
@xxxanderrr Xander
@Cassia16 but not as gorgeous as you :)
@leaxoxo thanks lea!
@Cassia16 Cassia Reyes
@leaxoxo I'm so surprised that we were matched together! That almost never happens being matched to someone you ready know
@leaxoxo Lea
@Cassia16 yeah tell me about it #jealous but it will be nice to get to know someone new and from a different town
@Cassia16 Cassia Reyes
@leaxoxo exactly! I hope everything works out for you :)
Conversation 2
@Cassia16 Cassia Reyes
@thebraminator what did you get for grandfather? #presents #curious
@thebraminator Bram Reyes
@Cassia16 well of course you have to wait until he opens it just like everyone else #hehehe
@Cassia16 Cassia Reyes
@thebraminator okay fine but then I won't tell you what mine is either
@thebraminator Bram Reyes
@Cassia16 Cassia, we all know you wrote grandfather a letter, it's no secret.
@Cassia16 Cassia Reyes
@thebraminator oh, right. I forgot I told you #oops I think he'll like both of our gifts #ihope
@thebraminator Bram Reyes
@Cassia16 yeah I think he will, we both put lots of thought into them
@MrAbranReyes dad, do you know how many people are coming to grandfathers tonight? I hope it's not too crowded #familytime
@Cassia16 Cassia Reyes
@thebraminator @MrAbranReyes yeah I want to know to, it'll be good to have time just as a family
@MrAbranReyes Abran Reyes
@thebraminator @Cassia16 I'm not too sure, you know grandfather did have lots of friends and they'll all miss him just like we will when he's gone, so they will need time with him as well, but I know how you both feel
Conversation 3
@Cassia16 Cassia Reyes
@kymarkham are you okay? I was kind of worried about you at the showing last night?
@kymarkham Ky Markham
@Cassia16 what are you talking about?? I had a blast! #moretimestocome
@Cassia16 Cassia Reyes
@kymarkham oh, ummm but I swear I thought I saw some tears run down you're cheeks...
@kymarkham Ky Markham
@Cassia16 I don't think you know what you're talking about Cassia... I never cried last night, especially not at that showing...
@Cassia16 Cassia Reyes
@kymarkham uhh, okay sorry, but remember we're friends, you can tell me anything if you ever need to talk
@kymarkham Ky Markham
@Cassia16 okay, thanks for letting me know, but I was fine, and I still am fine.
@Cassia16 Cassia Reyes
@kymarkham okay Ky, just making sure.
Conversation 3
@Cassia16 Cassia Reyes
@kymarkham are you okay? I was kind of worried about you at the showing last night?
@kymarkham Ky Markham
@Cassia16 what are you talking about?? I had a blast! #moretimestocome
@Cassia16 Cassia Reyes
@kymarkham oh, ummm but I swear I thought I saw some tears run down you're cheeks...
@kymarkham Ky Markham
@Cassia16 I don't think you know what you're talking about Cassia... I never cried last night, especially not at that showing...
@Cassia16 Cassia Reyes
@kymarkham uhh, okay sorry, but remember we're friends, you can tell me anything if you ever need to talk
@kymarkham Ky Markham
@Cassia16 okay, thanks for letting me know, but I was fine, and I still am fine.
@Cassia16 Cassia Reyes
@kymarkham okay Ky, just making sure.
Monday, 11 November 2013
Need an Idea For a Funny Movie?
I recommend...
21 Jump Street Bad
We're the Millers Last
White Chicks She's
the Man
Euro Trip The
Hot Chick
Grown Ups 2 Not
Another Teen Movie
Easy A The
House Bunny
Hot Tub Time Machine This
is the End
Mrs. Doubtfire Identity
Bridesmaids Elf
30 Minutes or Less Bad
The Change-Up Zombie
The Heat American
Pie Movies
Date Night Dance
The Pacifier Sleepover
Step Brothers Your
Just Go With It Austin
Power Movies
Shaun of the Dead Zoolander
Knocked Up Pitch
Role Models Mean
Funny People The
Mr Deeds Mr.
Poppers Penguins
Internship The
Jackass Movies Superbad
Project x Despicable
Scary movies Hangover
Life as We Know it What Happens in
Dude, Where's my car? Horrible
I now Pronounce you Chuck and Larry Ted
Win a Date with Tad Hamilton Ferris
Buellers Day Off
She's out of my League This
is 40
School of Rock The
Other Guys
John Tucker Must Die Sydney
Harold & Kumar movies The
Bad Santa Employee
of the Month
Dodgeball Big
Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star Due Date
Monsters Inc. University Little
Rat Race Cheaper
by the Dozen
Big Fat Liar Get Him to the Greek
The Break-Up The
Onion Movie
Get Smart Hall
Saving Silverman The New Guy
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
Today on the news...
Between 0:26 - 1:00
Some of this clip was on the news today, and I just couldn't help but laugh. Oh my goodness, it was not expected at all.
Tuesday, 5 November 2013
Last Vegas!

I just got back from seeing this movie with Paige! I have to say, we were probably the youngest ones in the theatre, which just made it even more hilarious. This movie was actually so funny, and there were some touchy parts where it just made me think of my friendships and how much I value them, and how I would love to soon be 70 and be looking back on almost 60 years of friendship.
Sunday, 3 November 2013
My Favourite TV Shows!
- Grey's Anatomy; without a doubt this series is number one, it's my favourite. I have been in love with it since the first epsiode and watched the first 8 seasons with in a month, which in a way was bitter sweet because it was over so quickly and had to wait for the next season to begin.I can't believe they're on season 10!
- The Vampire Diaries; this one is a close second because it did take me a while to get into watching it, but when I did I just couldn't stop. I was totally all goo-goo-ga-ga over Stefan & Elena's relationship at the beginning but I am always awaiting for Thursday night for the new episode.
- Criminal Minds; This is one of the 'detective' type shows that has always stuck with me and that I have always been interested in. I've been trying to re-watch all of the seasons, but always seem to get sidetracked with something else.
- Pretty Little Liars; My best friend Paige was interested in this show before me, and I remember her trying to get me to watch it and I just wasn't budging, until my little sister's were watching it one day, and it was a season fianle and I didn't find it that bad. So I decided to watch the other 2 seasons and now I really like watching it, though I haven't seen any of the new episodes since my grandma decided to get rid of the Much Music channel.
- Supernatural; I watched all of the seasons up to the sixth or seventh and haven't really been following the new seasons on tv, but I really love the Winchester brothers and they're super hilarious. I'll probably just wait to buy the full seasons on DvD.
- The Walking Dead; With this show, one epsiode can be the best thing I've seen, and super interesting, but then next week it's the most boring thing I've seen, and to me that happens a lot. I still watch it (well until my grandma got rid of AMC as well) but I like to see what happens. I watched the first episode for the season and it wasn't good at all, but I heard that thankfully, it does get a lot better.
- 90210; I know this show doesn't air anymore, but it was actually one of my favourite shows to watch so I thought I might as well put it on here. I really miss it and wish they didn't end it.
- Friends; This show was amaaaaazing!!! I remember watching the series finale and crying my eyes out! This is definitely one of the best tv shows ever.
- Family Guy; This show never gets old, and its my favourite one between this, South Park and The Simpsons.
- Futurama; This was probably one of the first animated series I started watching and got in to that said "This show is not suitable for children under the age of 14."
- Reba; I remember always loving this show because Reba's daughter had the same name as me! It was also a really funny show and I loved Van! I think this was the first series I actually ever followed.
- My Wife and Kids; I think this is probably one of the funniest tv series that I have ever watched!
Saturday, 2 November 2013
Fav Quote of the Week #5
"Every single thing that has ever happened in your life is
preparing you for a moment that is yet to come."
- Unknown
After reading this quote, I was justing sitting there like "woah," because it just had a certain impact on me and made me realize that every single thing you have done in your life has gotten you to where you are now, whether it's been something good or bad. And if you were to not have done one of those things, then you wouldn't be where you are now, experencing what you're going to experience tomorrow, a few days from now or even a year from now.
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